JadeShip has built a big search index based on the following 117 Pandabuy spreadsheets.
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Search 80k items found in these 117 spreadsheets
no description
Another generic name, basic items, medium sized spreadsheet with no personal touches or notes.
The YouTube account has been terminated, so it's unlikely this spreadsheet is going to see many updates. It's a compilation spreadsheet of medium size.
Joshua's spreadsheet contains a few exclusive items, but no personal notes or reviews. It is rather small in size.
Contains a good amount of reviews and interesting items.
A medium sized, basic compilation spreadsheet. Reviews or personal notes are not included.
This spreadsheet is small in size. You have a higher chance of finding an item that's listed twice in the same sheet than finding an exclusive item. It includes the amount of color variants available, but no reviews.
A small/medium sized compilation spreadsheet.
The actual spreadsheet is misspelled as "PB Wolrd". It describes itself as a "mega spreadsheet", which is certainly not an accurate description.
Presumably this is a personal spreadsheet mixed with compiled items. Less than half have reviews. Few items are exclusive. But it's still nice to have the reviews.
Offers a good variety, neatly organized in categories. Too bad the maker is spamming it on reddit.
This spreadsheet contains a few personal reviews, but they don't give off the impression of in-hand reviews.
No exclusive items.
For some reason, the majority of the items in this spreadsheet have no links. What's unique is that it includes the weidian store rating for each link (which doesn't tell us much). Has a few items that aren't found elsewhere.
Yet another small compilation spreadsheet. Contains some exclusive items.
A small spreadsheet with no personal touch. Few exclusives.
An average compilation spreadsheet.
A super tiny spreadsheet.
no description
Average spreadsheet. Icy's tiktok is not available anylonger, it's unclear if this spreadsheet is still maintained.
According to the title, this is a themed spreadsheet. It does contain any personal notes.
Decent in size, but everything else about this is average. The design is hard to use.
This spreadsheet contains a couple reviews, but 99% of the items contain no personal notes. The size is pretty respectable, but there are many duplicates within the list itself.
This is a basic compilation spreadsheet. It contains no exclusive items, reviews or personal notes. Medium size.
Small list with a few reviews.
Disclaimer: JadeShip.com is not affiliated with Weidian.com, Taobao.com, 1688.com, tmall.com or any other shopping site ("platforms"). This website is not an official offer of those platforms. This page aggregates third party, external data. Product pictures/thumbnails are also provided by those platforms. We cannot take responsibility for the content of external websites. Because international customers cannot use platforms directly, we provide links for ("shopping agents"), namely cnfans.com / acbuy.com / mulebuy.com / wegobuy.com / superbuy.com / pandabuy.com / hagobuy.com / sugargoo.com / cssbuy.com / basetao.com / kameymall.com / lovegobuy.com / ezbuycn.com / hoobuy.com / allchinabuy.com / ponybuy.com / eastmallbuy.com / hubbuycn.com / joyabuy.com / orientdig.com / oopbuy.com / blikbuy.com / hegobuy.com / sifubuy.com / loongbuy.com / kakobuy.com. This page is made for educational purposes only. JadeShip has nothing to do with the item listed. Results are not vetted, influenced or sold by JadeShip.com. If you don't want an item to be sold on those platforms, please contact the platforms directly for takedown requests, JadeShip does not list the item for sale and we are not selling anything. No warranties for correctness of information. Nothing on this site is to be understood as advising you.
Advertisement transparency: All shopping agent links are affiliate links for agents. This includes the price tag buttons, *-tagged links and the links embedded in images. We do not get a commission for the sale of the item, only for their function as a freight forwarder.
All information disclosed on this page is disclosed "as is" and without any representation, warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding its accuracy or performance and, in particular, with respect to the non-infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights, or any other rights of third parties.
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