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JadeShip's 3rd Birthday - our past and future

Date: 10/20/2020 first went online in 2017. That's a really long time in the short-lived world of Chinese B2C, where things seem to change every day. Read or watch our video to see what we achieved so far, and where we're heading

Watch the YouTube Video

JadeShip has been online and public since October 20th, 2017

Our Achievements

Our achievements

Today we celebrate our achievements over the last 3 years. We didn't mention the core features around taobao, that you came to expect since the beginning

Full Weidian Support

full weidian support

Full Weidian support is our key feature that came in 2020 and completely changed JadeShip. None of our competitors have been able to index Weidian while we have full integration in every regard.

Weidian integration came after I've personally been critical of Weidian in the beginning, some saw it as hypocritical, but for me it was showing how we put freedom of information above personal opinions. Now everyone can make an educated choice.

JadeShip Blog

Our blog has become the centerpiece of JadeShip. We are a leading source of Taobao and Weidian guides. On top of that we frequently present tools, seller websites and give new agents a chance. Our community really appreciates our best of reddit series and news, some of which is local news that our contacts bring to our attention, from Chinese sources, that is exclusively presented on JadeShip.

The Most Trusted Rep Community

the most trusted rep community

To be a legit and trusted community has been very important to us since day 1. We really live by our credo of being transparent and fair - the result is that no one could even bring forward accusations of shilling yet - in a world where that's a common claim.

I personally helped hundreds of members not only on discord, but also reddit, emails, everywhere. Our community's engagement in polls is highly appreciated and allows us to give you what you want.

Sister Sites

JadeShip sister sites

Our sister sites are unique and purpose built. They are also China shopping related, but each have their unique niche and changes made to the sites, to make them a better fit for their niche fashion for women

RepLadies is fashion for women, this one is closest to the original JadeShip - only that the smaller selection allows us to curate the content better. toys and brick sets

Toy Links has everything related to toys for children and adult fans. On top of all kinds of toys from taobao it has a fleshed out Lepin / King section, with thousands of products that are automatically ranked and compared via AI.

hwsource electronic devices & components

HWSource has lots of electronics, from single components and parts to ready-to-use gaming consoles. Lots of manual labor make possible to better categorize the items, which makes the site easy to browse. It has not been officially launched yet.

With so many features scheduled for release during the remaining ~2 months of 2020, year 4 might be the biggest year yet.

Taobao/Weidian sorted by sales

Taobao Weidian sorted by sales

Sorting by sales is an incredible feature, that gives you a much more secure feeling when looking for the next item to buy. You will only begin to truly appreciate this when you realize that no one has this feature, and you've never seen a ranking by sales of more than 3 items, let alone the thousands we have on JadeShip. And it even allows to compare Taobao and Weidian on the same page. Now that's definitely a reason to come to JadeShip.

It's wasn't an easy feat to develop this, hence why none of our competitors has it. The best part? It's already live while you're reading it. When you go to the store page, it's the default sorting option.

New Lightweight Website

new lightweight website

We will launch a new, lightweight website very soon. We can already tell you that much: It's an auto-generated feed of relevant items. Of course JadeShip also has all Taobao items posted on reddit, but this is more nimble, updates quicker and feels lighter.

This has been privately used to make u/JadeShip_Finds the #1 Finds account on reddit. Now we are sharing it with the world, launching mobile and desktop ready.

UPDATE: This site is now online:

More social activity

more social activity

We want to be more active on social media, with a wider spread over different networks. We have heavily slowed down on reddit posts, to focus on creating our own channels.

New & improved website

Other than the lightweight website mentioned earlier, we have 1 completely new site to reveal. On top of that one of our sites has not had an official launch or announcement yet, which we will do soon, when we feel like it's ready. Generally, it will be one of our main goals for 2021 to put a bigger focus on the sister sites.

Build on our strenghts

All of these new announcements and plans shouldn't distract us from our core strength: Indexing and maintaining a large list of taobao, weidian and trusted sellers items. We also see it as one of our strength how often we introduce new features, unique to JadeShip, as well as involving the community. The blog is already one of our strengths, which we will build on.

Be a part of our journey

be a part of our journey


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