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JadeShip publishes the Ultimate Agent Comparsion

Date: 10/29/2024

Let's get right to it: I believe that this agent comparison checks (almost) all the boxes an agent comparison could check.

  • Compares all the relevant agents
  • Correct and neutral information
  • Lots of aspects - generally important aspects and niche aspects
  • personalized to your country
  • explanations
  • visually presented in a way that spreadsheets or reddit just can't do

Here's the link:

Agent Comparison Screenshot


Let's look at these features in more detail, shall we?

Compares all the relevant agents

Currently we are at 12/25 agents. The remaining agents did not want to cooperate, but we are confident that this will change once this tool gains popularity.

Correct and neutral information

The information you see right now, has been provided by the agents directly. We will supplement this with user submitted corrections and adjustments.

We know that our community has many knowledgeable and active members, who will quickly help us make this the single source of truth.

Neutrality has been at our core for 7 years, you just have to build a reputation and we did.

Lots of aspects

When it comes to comparison aspects, we got it all.

Take marketshare for instance, it's a new metric that has been kept secret until now.

We got the obvious aspects, that everyone looks at: (shipping) prices, brand restrictions and payment methods.

There are other, straight forward aspects, that apply to everyone, but don't end up being quite as important: number and price of QC pics for instance or free storage periods.

We also have more niche, situational aspects to show, such as refund policies, warehouse transfers, response times, customer service days and hours, loyalty programs and supported mobile devices and apps.

Together, this makes 21 aspects that you can use to make your decision on what agent to use next.

Personalized to your country

The shipping price displayed is based on the country you chose (you can change it using the settings cog at the top of the page).

By the way, it also includes the exchange rate, service fee and payment fees. (we want to abstract this complicated stuff away from you).


Clicking the 'i' will explain what we're comparing in a few words. Scroll down and you will find a whole written comparison.

Visually presented in a way that spreadsheets or reddit just can't do

Instead of trying to make this work on reddit or google sheets, we have all the tools of modern web design at our disposal to make this intuitive, easy to use, easy to understand, functional and visually appealing.

Why hasn't there been an agent comparison before

To be fair, there have been a few. But I can count them on one hand. Compare that to 100s of shopping guides (written and videos) I've seen since 2017 and it becomes clear, that no one makes agent comparisons.

The first and main reason is that most influencers and communities are serving one main sponsoring agent. That main sponsor might very well not come out on top from a comparison. They don't want customers to switch. They might even surpress the mention of their competitors, which makes an agent comparison impossible.

The couple one's I've seen always had the clear intention to push a certain agent and we're clearly biased

Another reason is that it takes a long time to do the reasearch and it's always changing.

Planned improvements

We already have a list of improvements planned.

  • agent vs agent comparison
  • filters (only unrestricted, only paypal etc.)
  • add the remaining agents

Final Thoughts

Please let us know if there's anything else you want to compare, if you see information that's not correct or if you have any other improvement ideas.

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