
Free Tools for Taobao, Weidian, 1688 and Shopping Agents

Developing Leading Technology. Since 2017.
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What makes JadeShip the leading technology provider?

We have the tools to support your journey, from start to finish, from beginner to expert.

Each tool is the best in it's area and stands without competition.

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Shipping Calculator

take hidden fees into account compare agents search all agents at once customize fees to match your VIP-level price-per-kg line chart customs declaration calculator
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Spreadsheet Search

69,900 finds 15x as big as the largest Pandabuy spreadsheet so easy to use, you can use it on your first day 7,800 reviews included self-updating
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best selling items live feed of current purchases time frames: today, this week, this month or all time archive of historical best sellers from past months
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504 seller contacts largest contact list contact methods points of sale
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browser extension exchange rate comparison universal link converter customs declaration calculator
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all agents discounts collection of tools and links
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Marketplace Search

native search for taobao, weidian, 1688 simultaneous hybrid search find new, unfound items only available search for Weidian for advanced users

Supported Agents

JadeShip is agent agnostic by design; this makes us unique. You can use your own preferred agent, we don't discriminate.

Default Agent: AllChinaBuy

Among these agents we have to pick a default agent. That's the one we recommend to new people.

Our default agent is AllChinaBuy. They have been gaining market share really quickly, thanks to the good customer service, the best shipping prices to the most regions and a modern interface. Simply put, they tick the most boxes.

With that being said, the best agent depends on your country, budget and personal preference. So use the shipping calculator to do your own research.

Legacy Support

You cannot buy from the following agents anymore, but our tools still support them, for instance to allow you to convert old links.

Supported Marketplaces

JadeShip offers community built tools for these vendors. We are not affiliated, this is not an official offer.

Recent blog posts

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Multiple wishlists per account, download/export as csv, private wishlists, markdown descriptions. A user guide for the new features.

5 features added to make wishlists the real deal thumbnail

You can now select one of 169 currencies, which is directly reflected in the price of items on JadeShip.

Support for 169 Currencies added thumbnail

GLFinder.com fell victim to reddit's restricted API, we have no choice but to close the site.

GLFinder.com is getting terminated thumbnail

Disclaimer: JadeShip.com is not affiliated with Weidian.com, Taobao.com, 1688.com, tmall.com or any other shopping site ("platforms"). This website is not an official offer of those platforms.

Advertisement transparency: All shopping agent links, namely pandabuy.com, wegobuy.com, superbuy.com, hagobuy.com, sugargoo.com, cssbuy.com, basetao.com, kameymall.com, cnfans.com, ezbuycn.com, hoobuy.com, allchinabuy.com, mulebuy.com, eastmallbuy.com, hubbuycn.com, joyabuy.com, orientdig.com, oopbuy.com, lovegobuy.com and blikbuy.com, are affiliate links for agents. This includes the price tag buttons, *-tagged links and the links embedded in images. We do not get a commission for the sale of the item, only for their function as a freight forwarder.

All information disclosed on this page is disclosed "as is" and without any representation, warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding its accuracy or performance and, in particular, with respect to the non-infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights, or any other rights of third parties.

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