JadeShip features 23 Pandabuy spreadsheets categorized as Personal.
The highest tier of spreadsheets and the most appreciated.
A spreadsheet like this is built based on personal experience and includes reviews and personal notes or ratings.
Of course this is a more tedious process, that also requires a much bigger investment compared to copying and pasting links. That's why these spreadsheets will always be smaller.
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Search 78k items found in 117 spreadsheets
1-23 of 23 sheets
Beverly is one of the biggest Tiktokers. The spreadsheet contains in-hand reviews, which already puts it among the best class of spreadsheets.
This sheet also has a good size, and, considering the high profile nature, a lot of exclusive items. You'd expect more people to steal from this spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet contains ratings, short reviews and even shipping times. It also contains a good amount of exclusive items.
Under these circumstances, it could even be appreciated that it isn't the biggest spreadsheet.
This maker of this spreadsheet frequently updates the list frequently from different sources. It seems like it's carefully curated, but the items have not all been bought or reviewed by the maker. It has a school grade rating system, but the notes aren't of much use and tell us nothing about the items.
A mirror of Gilly's spreadsheet. It includes reviews for the items that have been included in videos, but that's the minority of the items.
A small personal list with a good amount of reviews.
JeiDrip is a YouTuber and this spreadsheet is pretty good. The size is respectable, and a fair amount of items contain personal notes and decently detailed reviews. Good amount of exclusive items, that can't be found in other spreadsheets. Too bad that many of the links are duplicates.
Contains short personal notes/ratings. Medium size and some exclusive items.
The maker of this spreadsheet definitely wasn't lazy. This spreadsheet contains more personal notes and reviews than any other spreadsheet we've seen - hundreds of them. Mix that with exclusive items, few duplicates and you got yourself a contender for the best spreadsheet.
The only thing you can hold against it is that it's lacking pictures (that's what you got Jadeship for).
A personal review spreadsheet. Also includes x/10 ratings. Comes with filters, detailed information, weights etc. Naturally it's smaller in size.
A tiny, personal spreadsheet with personal notes for every item. Might only have a couple exclusive items, but the reviews are a benefit for the community.
Taylor presents us with a mixed spreadsheet.
Many items feature above average length reviews. A good share of the items is exclusive to this spreadsheet.
On the other hand, speaking from experience, the list is too long to be personal, and many of the items do not have reviews attached. That's why it's a mixed spreadsheet.
A really small personal review spreadsheet.
It's safe to assume that not all items that receive a rating in this spreadsheet are in-hand reviews. But there are ratings for all items and a few in-hand reviews. Sadly, this spreadsheet contains a far amount of duplicate content.
Not sure if this is related to the other Sayo spreadsheet, but this is a good spreadsheet with many reviews.
This might be the ugliest spreadsheet and it's size also isn't speaking for it. But it contains personal ratings for most items and sometimes short reviews.
Personal notes for a majority of items in a small spreadsheet
This is a personal list without reviews. According the small size and the description it's something like a wish list or a list of interesting items. That's something we don't see every day, and given the high amount of exclusive items, it's a welcome addition.
Probably the messiest spreadsheet, but it contains a lot of personal ratings. Yet, it's still a big spreadsheet with many exclusive items.
A smaller, mixed CnFans and Mulebuy Spreadsheet.
A tiny spreadsheet with pretty detailed personal reviews.
Presumably this is a personal spreadsheet mixed with compiled items. Less than half have reviews. Few items are exclusive. But it's still nice to have the reviews.
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