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Thank you for helping report illegal or abusive items, and making the community a safer place. Thanks to your help, we are turning this community into a socially acceptable place, leaving behind the criminal energy that plagues some subcommunities outside of JadeShip.
As much as we appreciate your report, there's only so much we (JadeShip) can do. That's because our search engine is just indexing external, third party data. If we don't let you find "Athens Finds List", that doesn't mean that it's not accessible anymore and more importantly, it certainly doesn't mean that the illegal items are not sold anymore. We cannot actually prevent the sale of anything, because we are not involved in the sale of any items. We can't even take down the listing in the Google Sheets document where the item was found, because that's google's responsibility.
Here's what you can do, and we will guide you there.
Please click the link below and add some details why you think this is illegal or harmful.
reportWe wish google would make it easier to report abuse, but I guess due to spam issues, the link is encrypted and you have to get there manually.
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