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DHL免税-LDT shipping to Belgium with Sugargoo

This page shows all details for shipping with DHL免税-LDT to Belgium, shipped with the international shopping agent sugargoo. Furthermore, it also shows exact shipping cost related details for shipping a 4kg parcel. You can also see all restrictions, judging from these, you can ship branded items with this shipping service.

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Worried about declaring for customs? We've got you covered!


Did you know: JadeShip is free, our existence depends on people creating Sugargoo accounts through my affiliate link. It's free for you to do and makes a world of difference to me & the community. Thank you!


无需用户提供IOSS就可以包税!三角运输路线,从国内飞往德国清关,期间7~10天无轨迹跟踪,到达德国后开始有轨迹跟踪,通过DHL分派至其他欧洲国家。申报在5-18USD免税。时效稳定,如首次派送不成功可以提供收费的重派服务。此线路需提供门牌号。 计费方式:体积重与实重取大者,体积重=(长CMⅹ宽CMⅹ高CM)/8000。 尺寸限制:长*宽*高≤60CM*50CM*40CM


包裹在第三方物流商承运过程中产生的包裹丢失、损坏,非Sugargoo所能掌控,对此Sugargoo将不承担相应赔偿责任,但会积极协助您办理赔偿。 以下不在赔偿范围内: 1.海关原因造成罚没、扣件、开箱损坏等 2.用户不能配合清关/提供地址错误等自身原因造成的 3.易碎品在运输途中的损坏 4.物流轨迹显示按正确地址成功投递 5.属于第三方物流商免责条款的政治原因、自然灾害及其他不可抗拒因素

Price Graphs (price per kg)

Chart Reading Instructions

These graphs are meant as a model to show you the optimal DHL免税-LDT shipping sweet spot between a good price per kilogram and a safe shipping weight to Belgium. The x-axis shows the weight, the price is on the y-axis.

How to get the most out of it: Try to see where the curve startens to flatten. This is the optimal shipping weight where you're taking home most of the savings while still getting the safest shipping. Adding more weight disproportionaly increases the risk of customs, going lower means you're not using economies of scale.

This is not meant as a precise price calculation tool, fees are not included. This does not hinder it in its intended purpose, as the graphs with and without fees are proportional.

Cost details

service fees0%¥0$0
raw shipping cost¥478$67.78
shipping cost modifier0%¥0$0
payment fees3.5%¥34$4.89
  1. shipping cost: raw shipping cost
  2. service fee: purchasing fee, calculation differs between agents, the item price is usually part of it.
  3. payment fees: small fee percentage wise, but paid on every transaction, shipping + item + service fee.
Total cost calculation formula
c = ( [item price] × (1 + [service fees]) + [shipping cost] × (1 + [shipping modifier]) ) × (1 + [payment fees]) - [item price]

Disclaimer: This is a graphical presentation of statistical data, provided directly by a third party ("shopping agent"), namely,,,,,,,, or This page is made for educational purposes only. The data is not vetted, influenced or produced by We cannot take responsibility for the content of external websites. No warranties for correctness of information. Nothing on this site is to be understood as advising you.

Advertisement transparency: All shopping agent links are affiliate links. Among other labels, they are labeled with "ship", "... sign-up" or a rocket symbol. We do not get a commission for the sale of the item, only for their function as a freight forwarder.

All information disclosed on this page is disclosed "as is" and without any representation, warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding its accuracy or performance and, in particular, with respect to the non-infringement of trademarks, patents, copyrights or any other intellectual property rights, or any other rights of third parties.

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