These items are the 200 top selling items on Taobao, Tmall, Weidian or 1688. They are best-selling among agent customers (CnFans, ACBuy, MuleBuy, Superbuy, Sugargoo, Cssbuy, BaseTao, KameyMall, LoveGoBuy, EzBuyCn, HooBuy, AllChinaBuy, PonyBuy, EastMallBuy, HubbuyCN, JoyaBuy, OrientDig, OopBuy, SifuBuy, LoongBuy and KakoBuy); an important distinction because otherwise we would be listing Chinese household items. JadeShip TOP is the first app to publicly display this data, it's the first time you reliably know what items are the best and most popular. Before JadeShip TOP's launch, influencers and mods told you what's popular and what you should get, which certainly wasn't to your advantage. Now you can see what real customers buy, this will help you make the right decision for your next Taobao, Tmall or Weidian purchase. We democratize sales statistics.
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These items are the 200 top selling items on Taobao, Tmall, Weidian or 1688. They are best-selling among agent customers (CnFans, ACBuy, MuleBuy, Superbuy, Sugargoo, Cssbuy, BaseTao, KameyMall, LoveGoBuy, EzBuyCn, HooBuy, AllChinaBuy, PonyBuy, EastMallBuy, HubbuyCN, JoyaBuy, OrientDig, OopBuy, SifuBuy, LoongBuy and KakoBuy); an important distinction because otherwise we would be listing Chinese household items. JadeShip TOP is the first app to publicly display this data, it's the first time you reliably know what items are the best and most popular. Before JadeShip TOP's launch, influencers and mods told you what's popular and what you should get, which certainly wasn't to your advantage. Now you can see what real customers buy, this will help you make the right decision for your next Taobao, Tmall or Weidian purchase. We democratize sales statistics.