We get requests to verify or unblock Wechat Accounts every day. Sometimes it's blocked before you send your first message! Here's what you need to know to activate your WeChat Account!
There is a difference between needing to be verified when you first sign up and later when you're blocked from entering the app. As a verification provider, this is a called "help friend register" and "help friend log in". This difference is different restrictions.
Login Verify, "Help Friend Log in" and Unblock Account are esentially the same thing.
You need a second person to activate your WeChat Account. The person needs to meet the following requirements:
Activate WeChat Account Screenshot with requirements
It's always hard to find a person to invest their free time to verify your account. The fact that WeChat verifications are limited makes it even less likely for someone to do it out of goodwill because they might need their verification to help out a friend or so.
Lastly, it's a classical question of supply and demand. The supply is low because the restrictions are high and it takes time. The demand is high with thousands of people joining our community.
That's the same reason JadeShip does not verify the account. We cannot verify everyone and if we verify someone it's a partner or a person on the JadeShip Team.
For the reasons we stated above you will not get around paying people to verify you. Usually, you have to invest $3 - $10. Just make a post on r/WeChatVerify to find a user to verify you.
I invested lots of money to find an automated way to do verifications, but I only lead to scammers, which is why I believe automated verification is not possible.
This table shows you compatible and conflicting countries, based on our experience. A is the country verifying B, but it should work both ways.
Compatible Country A (verifying) | Compatible Country B (verified) |
Germany | UK |
Australia | Belgium |
Canada | USA |
So far it seems like the conclusion is that other countries in your continent can verify you.
Conflicting Country A | Conflicting Country B |
Germany | USA |
It is debatable that the country is the only reason for success or failure, but we are trying to collect as much data as possible. All data is double confirmed.
After dealing with this topic for years I was surprised to find that I couldn't verify another user: My account existed for 3 years and was never blocked a single time. I also didn't verify anyone in the past year. So why wouldn't I be able to.
Another thing I've been wondering for a while is why seemingly every user needs to be verified these days. When I joined this community, verifications were the exception and not the rule.
This leads me to my theory: There are 2 types of WeChat Accounts, modern and legacy. The legacy accounts don't need to be verified. The modern accounts need verification. From my recollection, the modern accounts that need verification started being the norm at the beginning of 2019.
We are in no way connected or affiliated with WeChat. Nothing in this guide shall be interpreted as advising you.
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