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Cheapest and Best Shipping Service for each Country

Date: 4/1/2021

The survey results are finally here and 200+ users have contributed their experience and knowledge in 3 questions: What's the safest shipping service, what's the highest parcel weight you can ship, and what's the best shipping service for each individual country. With this information we can create the ultimate guide to shipping everywhere.

Using a survey allows us to cover many more countries and get a more objective opinion. There have been unsuccessful attempts to do a list like this, but I think it was time for JadeShip to do a definite survey, that sees the light of day, is correctly evaluated and based on enough data.

On top of the best shipping survey for the countries this list also includes an info graphic for the best and most popular shopping agents for each country

You can contribute your experience here: link to survey

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This post is the best answer to the questions we see all the time: how much should I ship to Spain? What shipping method is the best to the USA? Will my parcel be seized if I ship more than 2kg to Germany.
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Table of Contents

  1. Countries Overview
  2. Agents Overview
  3. How to read the chart
  4. Countries
    1. USA
    2. United Kingdom
    3. Germany
    4. The Netherlands
    5. France
    6. Canada
    7. Italy
    8. Spain
    9. Belgium
    10. Australia
    11. Ireland
    12. Romania
  5. The future of this survey

Countries Overview

Before we look at results for individual countries it's good to get a feel for what country got the most responses.

Shipping Survey Countries

The current results are based on 229 survey responses

We publish the data for all countries with more than 5 responses. The law of big numbers means that the more data we evaluate the close it gets to the real average.

Agents Overview

Shopping Agents Overview Chart

The rest of the agents are the agents we tested in our comparison, Superbuy, Basetao and Ytaopal. These account for less than 25% together, and have clearly fallen out of favor for the organized community.

This chart tells us about the users' agents, combined from all countries. Wegobuy is clearly the most popular agent world wide, with 40+% marketshare. Sugargoo is also impressive at 20%, considering they are by far the youngest agent, impressive work on their part. Cssbuy comes in third place, they have a 15% marketshare and are still popular among those who despise Wegobuy/Superbuy but are waiting to see how good Sugargoo really is.

How to read the Chart


The blue bars: This bar shows how many users chose that shipping line. The who chart is sorted by this metric. In the example 9 users thought EUB is better and 6 thought DHL is the best. This means EUB is the most popular and a good choice (according to the community)

The orange line and numbers: Show the suggested shipping weight in kilograms for the category. In this example the category is safe shipping as you can read in the legend. So users say 2.2kg can be safely be shipped with EUB and 4.3kg with DHL. Keep in mind that some shipping lines have weight limit restrictions.

The 3 categories: First of all you have to realize that we have 3 categories with separate charts for each country for a reason. Safe shipping if you don't want to take a risk, max shipping if you are ready to take a risk for the best price, while still standing a chance, and the sweet spot between them, which is what is recommended under normal circumstances.

The conclusion to draw from this: First of all you have to make up your mind and decide between safe or cheap shipping or the sweet spot in between. Then you have to read the chart and ideally choose the most popular service. If the weight is not enough or another shipping service is close, you can also choose the next one. Then you should place an order with a weight that's as close to the number displayed as possible.

Most popular agents: The most popular agents chart shows you what agents are popular in your country. The agent is less important for the shipping process than the line you are choosing, but agents have different so called value added services, that allow you to change the packing of the parcel, so listening to the community makes sense.


United States (USA)

USA Safe Shipping to USA Chart

Safe Shipping: To United States the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 5.9kg, according to 29 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, DHL is an option that allows safely shipping 5.82kg. 11 users recommend this shipping service.

USA Max-Out Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to United States is 7.96kg with EMS, prefered by 28 users.
With 11 users recommending it, DHL is an alternative that allows sending up to 7kg.

USA Recommended Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 6.56kg with EMS, recommended by 25 customers. That means 60% of United States customers would recommend EMS, which makes it the community choice.
There's an alternative though, and that's 6.77kg with DHL, which 14 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 0.21kg more than EMS.

USA Favorite Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is United States favorite agent, according to our community survey. The second most popular shopping agent is Sugargoo, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from United States, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place. All the remaining agents combined only make up 19% of marketshare.

United Kingdom (UK)

UK Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To United Kingdom the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.59kg, according to 29 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, EUB is an option that allows safely shipping 4.75kg, even more than EMS. 4 users recommend this shipping service.
A third option to consider is DHL at a max weight of 5kg. 2 participants would take this third option

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to United Kingdom is 7.14kg with EMS, prefered by 29 users.
With 3 users recommending it, DHL is a good alternative that allows sending up to 7.67kg, that's more than EMS.

UK Recommended Sweet Spot Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is United Kingdom's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of United Kingdom's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice. The second most popular shopping agent is Sugargoo, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from United Kingdom, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place. All the remaining agents combined only make up 11% of marketshare.

UK Favorite Agent

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is United Kingdom's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of United Kingdom's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Sugargoo, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 11% of marketshare.


Germany Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Germany the best shipping service for safe shipping is EUB if you ship 1.94kg, according to 18 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, DHL is an option that allows safely shipping 2.67kg, even more than EUB. 3 users recommend this shipping service.

Germany Max Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Germany is 2.5kg with EUB, preferred by 12 users.
With 5 users recommending it, DHL is an alternative that allows sending up to 4.6kg, 0.73kg more than EUB.

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 2kg with EUB, recommended by 18 customers. That means 82% of Germany customers would recommend EUB, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.
There's an alternative though, and that's 4kg with The agents "tax free" line, which 2 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 2kg more than EUB.

Germany Favorite Shopping Agent

Favorite Agent: Cssbuy is Germany's favorite agent, according to our community survey.
The second most popular shopping agent is Wegobuy, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from Germany, followed by Sugargoo in 3rd place for best agent.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 22% of marketshare.

The Netherlands

Netherlands Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Netherlands the best shipping service for safe shipping is EUB if you ship 2.18kg, according to 11 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, DHL is an option that allows safely shipping 4.33kg, even more than EUB. 6 users recommend this shipping service.

Netherlands Max Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Netherlands is 8.29kg with DHL, preferred by 7 users.
With 4 users recommending it, EUB is an alternative that allows sending up to 2kg.

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 2.18kg with EUB, recommended by 11 customers. That means 65% of Netherlands customers would recommend EUB, which makes it the community choice.
There's an alternative though, and that's 5.25kg with DHL, which 4 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 3.07kg more than EUB.

Favorite Agent: Basetao is Netherlands's favorite agent, according to our community survey.
The second most popular shopping agent is Wegobuy, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from Netherlands, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place for best agent.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 29% of marketshare.


France Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To France the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 3.09kg, according to 11 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, DHL is an option that allows safely shipping 7.5kg, even more than EMS. 3 users recommend this shipping service.

France Max Out Shipping

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to France is 4.88kg with EMS, preferred by 8 users.
With 2 users recommending it, DHL is a good alternative that allows sending up to 6kg.

France Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 4.1kg with EMS, recommended by 10 customers. That means 67% of France customers would recommend EMS, which makes it the community choice and winner of this survey.
There's an alternative though, and that's 3.5kg with DHL, which 3 users recommend.

France Best Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is France's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of France's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Superbuy, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place for best agent.


Canada Safe Shipping

Safe Shipping: To Canada the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.85kg, according to 13 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, China Post / GD is an option that allows safely shipping 7.5kg, even more than EMS. 2 users recommend this shipping service.

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Canada is 7.27kg with EMS, preferred by 11 users.
With 3 users recommending it, China Post / GD is an alternative that allows sending up to 9kg, 1.73kg more than EMS.

Canada Max-Out Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 5.85kg with EMS, recommended by 13 customers. That means 87% of Canada customers would recommend EMS, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.
There's an alternative though, and that's 7.5kg with China Post / GD, which 2 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 1.65kg more than EMS.

Canada Favorite Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is Canada's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of Canada's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Superbuy, followed by Sugargoo in 3rd place for best agent.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 7% of marketshare.


Italy Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Italy the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.17kg, according to 6 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, EUB is an option that allows safely shipping 3kg. 4 users recommend this shipping service.

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Italy is 3.5kg with EUB, preferred by 4 users.
With 3 users recommending it, EMS is a good alternative that allows sending up to 6.33kg, 2.83kg more than EUB.

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 4.8kg with EMS, recommended by 5 customers. That means 50% of Italy customers would recommend EMS.
There's an alternative though, and that's 2kg with EUB, which 3 users recommend.

Italy Favorite Agent

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is Italy's favorite agent, according to our community survey.
The second most popular shopping agent is Sugargoo, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from Italy, followed by Cssbuy in 3rd place for best agent.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 25% of marketshare.


Spain Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Spain the best shipping service for safe shipping is EUB if you ship 1.83kg, according to 6 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, China Post / GD is an option that allows safely shipping 3kg, even more than EUB. 3 users recommend this shipping service.
A third option to consider is EMS at a max weight of 4kg. 2 participants would take this third option

Spain Max Shipping

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Spain is 2.5kg with EUB, preferred by 4 users.
With 3 users recommending it, EMS is an alternative that allows sending up to 7kg, 4.5kg more than EUB.

Spain Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 2kg with EUB, recommended by 5 customers. That means 63% of Spain customers would recommend EUB, which makes it the community choice.
There's an alternative though, and that's 3kg with China Post / GD, which 3 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 1kg more than EUB.

Spain Most Popular Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is Spain's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of Spain's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Superbuy, followed by Sugargoo in 3rd place for best agent.


Belgium Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Belgium the best shipping service for safe shipping is EUB if you ship 2kg, according to 5 users who recommend this shipping service.
If you are looking for an alternative, DHL is an option that allows safely shipping 2kg. 2 users recommend this shipping service.

Belgium Max Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Belgium is 4.2kg with DHL, preferred by 5 users.
With 2 users recommending it, EUB is an alternative that allows sending up to 3kg.

Belgium Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 2kg with EUB, recommended by 5 customers. That means 71% of Belgium customers would recommend EUB, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.
There's an alternative though, and that's 3kg with DHL, which 2 users recommend. This alternative has the advantage that it allows you to send bigger parcels, 1kg more than EUB.

Favorite Agent: Basetao is Belgium's favorite agent, according to our community survey.
The second most popular shopping agent is Superbuy, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from Belgium, followed by Wegobuy in 3rd place for best agent.
All the remaining agents combined only make up 13% of marketshare.


Sweden Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Sweden the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.57kg, according to 7 users who recommend this shipping service.

Sweden Max Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Sweden is 7.13kg with EMS, preferred by 8 users.

Sweden Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 5.43kg with EMS, recommended by 7 customers. That means 100% of Sweden customers would recommend EMS, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.

Sweden Best Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is Sweden's favorite agent, according to our community survey.
The second most popular shopping agent is Sugargoo, together these 2 are accounting for more than half of the users from Sweden, followed by Superbuy in 3rd place for best agent.


Australia Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Australia the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.5kg, according to 4 users who recommend this shipping service.

Australia Max Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Australia is 6.33kg with EMS, preferred by 3 users.

Australia Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 5kg with EMS, recommended by 2 customers. That means 50% of Australia customers would recommend EMS.
There's a good alternative though, and that's 4.5kg with EUB, which 2 users recommend.

Australia Best Agent Chart

Favorite Agent: Wegobuy is Australia's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Wegobuy alone is used by more than half of Australia's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.


Safe Shipping: To Ireland the best shipping service for safe shipping is EMS if you ship 4.4kg, according to 5 users who recommend this shipping service.

Ireland Max Shipping

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Ireland is 5.33kg with EMS, preferred by 3 users.
With 2 users recommending it, DHL is an alternative that allows sending up to 8.5kg, 3.17kg more than EMS.

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 4.5kg with EMS, recommended by 6 customers. That means 100% of Ireland customers would recommend EMS, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.

Ireland recommended Agent

Favorite Agent: Sugargoo is Ireland's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Sugargoo alone is used by half of Ireland's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Wegobuy, followed by Superbuy in 3rd place for best agent.


Romania Safe Shipping Chart

Safe Shipping: To Romania the best shipping service for safe shipping is The agents' "tax free" line if you ship 4.25kg, according to 4 users who recommend this shipping service.

Romania Max-Out Shipping Chart

Max-Out Shipping: If you aren't afraid to take a risk, the max weight you can ship to Romania is 6kg with The agents "tax free" line, preferred by 4 users.

Romania Recommended Shipping Chart

Recommended: There's a sweet spot between worry-free, safe shipping and getting everything in one parcel for a cheap price: Shipping 4.75kg with The agents "tax free" line, recommended by 4 customers. That means 100% of Romania customers would recommend The agents "tax free" line, which makes it the clear community choice and winner of this survey.

Favorite Agent: Cssbuy is Romania's favorite agent, according to our community survey. Cssbuy alone is used by more than half of Romania's customers and thus clearly the most popular choice.
The second most popular shopping agent is Ytaopal.

The future of this survey

This page will be updated after every round of surveys. We add a weight to the users answer, depending on the experience. And of course we hope for many more responses, that's the best way to improve the survey.

It's absolutely clear that more data is the key to give more accurate results. In order to max out this effect we will combine the data from regions, such as Europe (EU), continents (e.g. Africa, Asia), groups like BeNeLux and more. Then we can publish info graphics for these countries.

On the other hand, I'm sad to tell you that it doesn't make sense to publish data from countries where we had 1 response, although users from these country might already feel forgotten. I find it very cool that we have users from all around the world, and I'd find it very cool if you could find a couple friends so we have a solid data set for these countries and can give you the attention you deserve.


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